Doi Suthep

Star Rating Graphic (5) 11 kms
stego | Aprile 22, 2016 | Asia > Tailandia Itinerari Motos > Thailand

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  • stego
  • Husqvarna TR650 Strada
  • Partitura: 768
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Curve Star Rating Graphic (5)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (3.2)
RettilineiStar Rating Graphic (2)
PaesaggioStar Rating Graphic (4)
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Manto StradaleStar Rating Graphic (4)
RischioStar Rating Graphic (3)
Presenza delle forze dell’ordine Star Rating Graphic (3)


Have your say....
Aprile 22, 2016 - Star Rating Graphic

Nice route from Chiang Mai to Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep. Wide road, open corners, lot of youngsters on scooters or bigger bikes. Few viewpoints, that are occupied by locals during evenings

Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
  • stego
  • Husqvarna TR650 Strada
  • Partitura: 768

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