Ba Vi National Park

Star Rating Graphic (4) 12 kms
BBR-David | Gennaio 19, 2013 | Asia > Vietnam Itinerari Motos > Vietnam
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Curve Star Rating Graphic (4)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (2.4)
RettilineiStar Rating Graphic (3)
PaesaggioStar Rating Graphic (5)
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Manto StradaleStar Rating Graphic (3)
RischioStar Rating Graphic (3)
Presenza delle forze dell’ordine Star Rating Graphic (3)


Have your say....
Gennaio 19, 2013 - Star Rating Graphic

Toll road into the national park, well worth the 6 USD to go up the mountain, nice views and almost no western tourists. Great beef noodles at the restaurant, well worth a look.

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