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Trip Builder not working on Windows PC

Posted on Settembre 6, 2022 by BryanMc
Posted on Settembre 6, 2022 by BryanMc (Member Score: 0)

I've just tried using Trip Builder on a Windows PC, after loading the map and clicking on some points on the map, nothing appears on screen (I was expecting an icon to appear when I click) and when I click on the continue button, nothing happens.
Does anyone else have these problems?

Posted on Settembre 6, 2022 by BBR-David (Member Score: 8806)

Hi Bryan

thanks for taking the time to write here.

I had a quick look on a windows 10 PC running chrome with the following test:

Menu -> Activities -> Create a Trip

Select a country or countries from the list for your trip

For the sake of the test I selected Belgium and France

Trip is private only to me - checked

Trip Name : test 1
Description Of Trip : test trip desc 1

Click 'load map button'

Select a few points and make a trip

Click continue

Confirmation screen, trip added successfully

Here a link to your new trip

Click the link, the trip is shown as expected

Is this different to what you see?

All the best


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